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 Suikoden V

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Urban Defender
Urban Defender

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2316
Age : 55
Localisation : JE SUIS UN RPGJUNKIE d'Alès dans le Gard, ça vous pose un probléme ?
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2006

Suikoden V Empty
MessageSujet: Suikoden V   Suikoden V EmptySam 6 Mai - 15:42

-Duel 1: The Sacred Games - Hero vs Shoon

Attack: Here I come!
Attack: I cant let you keep getting the best of me!
Attack: Not good enough, eh? Here I come again!
Special: I'm going to give it all I've got, be sure you're ready!
Special: Now its my turn, Ill show you what my full power is like!
Special: Here comes another one, and this time I'll do it right!
Guard: You come at me too, Prince.
Guard: I can't believe you turned my best move back on me!

Whether you win this battle or not does not affect the outcome of the game. It
is more of a duel tutorial. Remember to Attack when Shoon Guards, Guard when
he Specials, and Special when he Attacks.

-Duel 2: The Dawn Rune - Hero vs Chuck

Attack: That was nothing, but you're really gonna get it now!
Attack: I'm really gonna pound you, so get ready!
Special: This one's for the young lady!
Special: No Way!! You haven't seen the last of my strength yet!
Defend: I don't like picking on the weak.
Defend: I...I need a little break here...

Chuck tends to use a balance of attacks and defense, and it is also quite
difficult to predict what he is going to do sometimes, as his more ferocious
quotes are actually for his normal attacks.

-Duel 3: Testing - Lorelai vs Hero

Attack: Hmm...I guess I'll just warm up a little first...
Attack: You still standing? I'll hit you with another one then!
Attack: I'm still fine, I can still fight!
Special: What do you think you have to hold back or something? Don't insult me!
Special: I guess I'll settle this thing right here and now!
Special: Don't let that swell your head, I'm only just getting started!
Special: Not bad, but wait 'til you feel this!
Defense: Ugh you're stronger then I thought!
Defense: You underestimate me. . . (I didn't get this one all the way)
Defense: What did you do, give up? You gotta come at me to!

Lorelai has a huge range of attacks, and they are hard to predict at times.
Lorelai sounds like she is going to attack with she is actually defending (or
vice versa) at times as well, so you need to be careful. Though, a lot of the
time you can win this battle by defending alone because she does a lot of

-Duel 4: Doppelanger -Hero vs Roy-

Attack: Is that the best you can do? Guess it's my turn now!
Attack: Well, I'm not going to hit you with my best moves right away am I?
Special: Hmm...maybe I'll hit you with my best moves right away!
Special: All right, this one is gonna put you outta your misery!
Special: You got me....I gotta take a break...haha! Did you really believe me?
Special: Hmph, what if I really get serious?
Special: Hmph, you think that hurts? you gotta do something more like this!
Special: Grr you really piss me off, you know that!?!
Defend: Damn you...You really got me!
Defend: What are you waiting for? Come at me!

Roy uses specials most of the time. Also, he has a fake guard with that
special, so don't play into it, make sure you read the entire text before
actually selecting the command (which is not neccessary all the time.) Roy
tends to special most of the time in this battle (seeing as his most of his
attacks are specials) though sometimes determining which are specials and
which are attacks is tricky.

-Duel 5: Loyalty -Hero vs Miakis-

Attack: Okay...Here I come.
Attack: Ow, ow! Now its my turn!
Special: Ouch that hurt, I'll get you this time!
Special: Time for you to go beddy-bye!
Special: Now I'm going to get really serious!
Defend: Ow ow, you've really got your eyes open prince!
Defend: Hey that really hurt, are you trying to make me cry?

Miakis is a rather predictable enemy in the Duel, and she does not have any
particular pattern of attack. She is rather balanced, so just make sure to
watch her carefully.

-Duel 6: -Murderer- Hero vs Childerich

Special: Gaaaahh!

Well... All Childerich does in this battle is Special. So Defend every single
round and you will win in 3 or 4 rounds without taking any damage.

Duel 7: Victor -Hero vs Gizel-

Attack: It looks like we both we a little impatient. . .
Special: You wouldn't let yourself get defeated in just one turn would you?
Special: Time to finish you off!
Special: Very I'll show you what I can do!
Special: Very nice, but do you think you can counter this next one as well?
Special: You should have shown me a move at least as powerful as this!
Defend: I think I felt that one a little bit...

Gizel is somewhat difficult to predict, as his Special sounds like an attack
at times. He tends to special most of the time, but if you match him, the
battle will be over before he does much other than special.

-Duel 8: Rivalry -Lyon vs Dolph-

Attack: In your condition, this should be enough to do you in.
Attack: Well well, what a surprise, I didn't think you'd be able to counter
Special: Still standing huh? Will you be able to handle this.
Special: You did very well, I guess I should stop going easy on you. . .
Defense: Let me give you the chance to realise the shape you're in . . .
Defense: The more time you waste the more pain you'll be in you know!

Dolph is very, very hard to predict. He is quite vague with his comments and
it's easy to confuse them for one another. Also note that Dolph has another
Special other then what I have here, but I wasn't able to mark it down on
time, it's close to the "Still standing Huh?" though.

Dernière édition par le Sam 30 Sep - 0:15, édité 1 fois
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Urban Defender
Urban Defender

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2316
Age : 55
Localisation : JE SUIS UN RPGJUNKIE d'Alès dans le Gard, ça vous pose un probléme ?
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2006

Suikoden V Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Suikoden V   Suikoden V EmptyMer 13 Sep - 16:28

Fins de jeu

Ne lisez pas ce thème si vous n’avez pas terminé le jeu, cela risquerait de gâcher votre plaisir !
Les quatre fins possibles du jeu sont :
Avec moins de 60 étoiles : Lyon meurt et le héros part se perdre dans les montagnes d’Ashtwall. On n’entend plus parler de lui.
Avec entre 60 à 107 étoiles, ou 108 étoiles mais toutes ne survivent pas :
Le héros part pour le continent nord avec Georg après la mort de Lyon.
Avec les 108 étoiles toutes survivantes, mais vous êtes méchant avec Lym : Le héros part avec Georg et Lyon vers le continent du nord.
Avec les 108 étoiles et vous êtes gentil avec Lym : Le héros devient le nouveau chef des Queen’s Knight et part avec Lyon, tout le monde est heureux et l’on attend que le petit à naître devienne le héros du prochain Suikoden.

Mauvaises fins

Voici les différentes conditions qui vous feront avoir les mauvaises fins du jeu.
1. Après que kyle vous ai rejoint à Rainwall, montez dans votre chambre. Dites Lyon que vous êtes prêt à dormir et discutez avec Salum Barrows pendant la nuit. Vous devrez alors faire trois choix de réponses ; prenez toujours la deuxième option jusqu’au bout de la conversation.
2. Acceptez de vous battre en duel contre l’imposteur Roy dans le repère des bandits et perdez.
3. Perdez l’un des combats contre Zahak, Alenia ou Galleon.
4. Choisissez de protéger le château au lieu de vous enfuir pour qu’un duel ait lieu entre Childerich et Roy. Il faut que Roy perde le duel.
5. Dans le palais du Soleil, vers la fin du jeu, vous devez perdre le duel contre Gizel.
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Urban Defender
Urban Defender

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2316
Age : 55
Localisation : JE SUIS UN RPGJUNKIE d'Alès dans le Gard, ça vous pose un probléme ?
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2006

Suikoden V Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Suikoden V   Suikoden V EmptySam 30 Sep - 0:13

Scène de bain spéciale:
Entrez dans le bain (dans votre QG) en ayant Hazuki, Cathari et Urda dans votre équipe pour avoir droit à une cinématique spéciale.
Il existe ainsi 31 scènes différentes qui dépendent des personnages que vous avez choisis, combinés par 2, par 3 ou par 4.
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